Upgraded from HH3 to HH5 and seen your wifi speeds significantly drop? Read on...
I've been a BT infinity customer for the last two years, and so felt very pleased with myself for negotiating with BT customer services to send me a free Hub 5. With the expectation of better reliability and faster wifi speeds, I ripped open the box as soon as it was delivered and swapped out the old Open Reach modem and Hub 3 for the new all-in-one device. Imagine my surprise and frustration to discover that my wifi devices that had been connecting to the HH3 at speeds of around 40-45mbps were now only achieving less than 10mbps. What was even more puzzling was that the upload speeds were still good at 16-17mbps.
I spent a couple of hours fiddling around with wifi channels, enabling and disabling the 2.4ghz and 5ghz bands, using a wifi scanner to check for congestion from neighbours' networks, but all to no avail. I considered ditching the HH5 altogether and going back to the HH3... but not one to make rash decisions, I slept on it (not literally as that would have been quite uncomfortable), and in the morning opened up safari on my iPhone to be greeted by a BT Smart Setup screen that I'd not seen the night before. Two clicks later I'd disabled the parental controls, ran another speed test and was back up to full speed again! I did the same on the iPad, running a speed test before and after disabling the parental controls, and again speeds jumped from less than 10mbps to over 40mbps.
Back into the Hub 5 advanced settings, and in the Home Network section there is an option for Smart Setup of new devices which is enabled by default. Disable it, and you are no longer presented with the Smart Setup screen on your devices, but more importantly do not have your speeds constrained by the parental controls. Now all BT need to do is work out is how to make the parental controls work (for those who want them) without compromising wifi speeds.
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