Data is one of the most important assets a business has, so ensuring it is protected is critical. 

From natural disasters, hardware failure, cyber attacks, or even human error – events can occur that takes your business down. Even your cloud data needs to be backed up and protected. 

Implementing a data backup and disaster recovery plan is the insurance policy you hope you never need – but are grateful you have it.

Take control of your data - make a plan with Qdos

-    Scope your backup requirements
-    Onsite and cloud based solutions
-    Have full and granular recovery options
-    Know your recovery time and costs


Why is an IT Disaster Recovery Plan Essential?

Lessons from Recent IT Outages

The IT outages caused by the Crowdstrike Falcon update (July 2024) have shown just how catastrophic the lack of a sufficient Disaster Recovery Plan can be. With major global airlines suffering with grounded flights worldwide, leading to millions in losses and thousands of passengers stranded. Data centres disrupted affecting banking services for days, causing concern with customers and regulatory scrutiny.

This shows that no one is immune from IT disruption… Large or small, businesses should be evaluating the risks and preparing a comprehensive IT Disaster Recovery (ITDR) Plan.

Key Reasons for an ITDR Plan

  • Minimise Downtime

    IT disruptions can halt business operations. An ITDR Plan ensures swift restoration of services, minimising downtime and maintaining productivity.

  • Data Protection

    Data is a vital asset for any business. An ITDR Plan includes measures to protect and recover data, safeguarding against loss, corruption, or unauthorised access.

  • Maintain Customer Trust

    Prolonged outages or data breaches erode customer trust. A well-executed recovery plan demonstrates reliability and a commitment to service continuity.

  • Regulatory Compliance

    Many industries are subject to regulations that mandate disaster recovery plans. Compliance with these regulations avoids legal repercussions and potential fines.

  • Cost Management

    The financial impact of IT disruptions can be substantial. An ITDR Plan helps manage and mitigate these costs by outlining efficient recovery strategies.

  • Competitive Advantage

    Companies that can quickly recover from IT incidents often gain a competitive edge, demonstrating resilience and reliability in the face of adversity.


Steps to Create an Effective IT Disaster Recovery Plan

Risk Assessment and Business Impact Analysis (BIA)

  • Identify Risks

    Determine potential threats such as cyber-attacks, natural disasters, hardware failures, and human error.

  • Evaluate Impact

    Analyse how these risks could impact business operations, financial stability, and reputation.

  • Prioritise Functions

    Identify critical business functions and prioritize them based on their importance and impact on the business.

Develop Recovery Strategies

  • Backup Solutions

    Implement regular data backup procedures and ensure backups are stored in multiple, secure locations.

  • Recovery Sites

    Establish off-site recovery locations that can be used if primary sites become inoperable.

  • Redundancy and Failover

    Incorporate redundancy in IT systems and develop failover mechanisms to ensure seamless transition during disruptions.

Create a Detailed ITDR Plan

  • Document Procedures

    Outline step-by-step recovery procedures for different types of disasters.

  • Assign Roles and Responsibilities

    Define the roles and responsibilities of team members involved in the recovery process.

  • Communication Plan

    Develop a communication strategy to keep stakeholders informed during and after an incident.

Implement and Test the Plan

  • Deploy Technologies

    Implement the necessary technologies and infrastructure outlined in the plan.

  • Training

    Conduct regular training sessions for staff to familiarise them with their roles and responsibilities during a disaster.

  • Testing and Drills

    Regularly test the ITDR Plan through simulations and drills to ensure its effectiveness and identify areas for improvement.

Continuous Improvement

  • Review and Update

    Periodically review and update the ITDR Plan to reflect changes in business operations, technology, and emerging threats.

  • Incorporate Feedback

    Use feedback from tests, drills, and actual incidents to refine and enhance the plan.

  • Stay Informed

    Keep abreast of new technologies, best practices, and regulatory requirements to ensure the ITDR Plan remains current and effective.


An IT Disaster Recovery Plan is not a luxury but a necessity for modern businesses.

The lessons from recent IT outages highlight the catastrophic impact of inadequate preparation. A structured approach to dealing with unexpected IT disruptions is crucial for ensuring business continuity, protecting critical data, and maintaining customer trust. By following the outlined steps—risk assessment, developing recovery strategies, creating a detailed plan, implementing and testing, and continuous improvement—businesses can build a resilient framework capable of weathering any IT crisis. In doing so, they not only safeguard their operations but also reinforce their reputation as reliable and forward-thinking organisations.


Article: Update causes Global IT Outage - Views & Solutions

Article: IT Support SOS: What to do when Disaster Strikes!



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